Goal #1: Work with Agencies to increase education, access and resources to promote increased childhood immunization rates.
1.1 By December 2020, increase the number of HISD students receiving asthma self-management education, including asthma trigger reduction training, by 10% annually.
1.1 By December 2020, increase the number of HISD students receiving asthma self-management education, including asthma trigger reduction training, by 10% annually.
Actual Indicator:
# of parents with knowledge gain of common environmental asthma triggers including mold, dust mites, pet dander, pest and tobacco smoke (Baseline: 0, Target: 120)
# of parents with knowledge gain of common environmental asthma triggers including mold, dust mites, pet dander, pest and tobacco smoke (Baseline: 0, Target: 120)
Goal 4: Objective 4.2